Helping Business Leaders Rise Up with Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt

BY: Dr. Steven Kirch
POSTED September 23, 2024 IN
Profit Minds Growth System, The Profit Minds Podcast

In this episode of The Profit Minds Podcast, Dr. Steven Kirch speaks with Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt, Owner of Inspired Business Development and Co-Founder of Grand Connection Global Community.

Carolyn is a transformational speaker, consultant, and coach with over 35 years of experience. Her mission is to help business leaders create a positive impact in the world by enhancing their perspective, communications, business planning, and growth conquests. As a conscious inspired leader, she empowers businesses to align with their purpose, vision, and mission, while developing intentional strategies. Carolyn’s superpower lies in her contagious positive energy and unwavering belief in people’s potential. She is driven to reignite business leaders, generate massive impact, and unlock doors of opportunity and results. Her core philosophy is centered around the power of love as the driving force to manifest business dreams and profits.

Tune into the episode for insights from Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt:

  • Carolyn’s journey from sales to business leader teacher/trainer to entrepreneur to worldwide connector with Grand Connection
  • How a business leader can step up and speak up and serve their clients through their connections
  • Strategies and considerations involved in selecting, nurturing, and empowering a cohesive dream team that aligns with a business’s vision and core values for operational, marketing, and sales success
  • The importance of love-to-do and do-not-do/willing-to-let-go lists and tips on what to put on each
  • What Carolyn means by and the importance of “thinking above the line”

More about Carolyn Cooper-McOuatt:

Welcome to The Profit Minds Podcast with Dr. Steven Kirch. Dr. Kirch is the creator of the Profit Minds(TM) Growth System, a unique blend of profit growth, productivity acceleration, and business process for scale. In each episode of The Profit Minds Podcast, Dr. Kirch interviews entrepreneurs and small business owners from around the world with a unique story to tell.

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