Are you harnessing the True Power of AI in your company?

When you equip every single person on your team to produce every single role deliverable faster and easier with AI, transformational productivity gains occur.

Our AI Transformation Method™

will empower every member of your team to utilize AI to its full potential.

Introducing our revolutionary
AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

// The elephant in the room

Can AI really help my team do their job better?

Our experience has shown us that AI…

It knows your job

It knows how it can help you do it faster and easier

For every single deliverable, for every single role, in every organization

I’ve been blown away by how much time and effort I’ve saved with AI after training with Simple, and with the extra time, I’ve been able to be much more strategic and intentional. Just one example is how I’m now able to turn our accepted proposals into project plans in less than 5 minutes, which is a 12X improvement, and saves me $10,000+ per year.

Michele DeKinder-Smith

President, Linkage Research

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Regularly $3,333+/year/organization
// How is this different?

From zero to productivity gains in one hour

The AI Transformation MethodTM takes AI novices in any role and guarantees actual productivity gains in real work that your team is currently working on. Here are the actual productivity gains reported from a recent client.
// What’s in it for me?

A more efficient, engaged, and effective team.

After completing the 8-Session Black Belt Training series, your team will be be more efficient, more engaged, and more effective.

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Regularly $3,333+/year/organization
// How do I know this is real?

The Invisible AI Productivity Tipping Point

Initially we thought transformational productivity gains would happen with the launch of next generation models. So, we were training people to be ready for the future.

But we soon realized that we are already beyond the tipping point, and AI productivity gains can be delivered during the first hour of training.

I’ve been to almost all of the AI training on the market, and Simple is the only one that allowed me to make tangible improvements in my daily work, immediately. For one partnership I created the pitch, pricing and statement of work, the detailed project plan, plus all of the research and data for the recommendations. It’s a 100X+ improvement and has allowed me to do things I previously wouldn’t have even attempted.

Caroline Hinton

Director, Partnerships & Alliances, Thomson Reuters

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Regularly $3,333+/year/organization
// What’s holding you back?

This is not a tool and technology problem

When you focus on showing overworked, stressed out workers how they can do their job more efficiently and effectively across in every one their actual role responsibilities, and make it clear that you are trying to develop them and not replace them, it turns out that they are quite interested in learning how to do that.
// Who is to blame for this?

It’s not your fault

When the only thing you see is marketing messages from tool providers, prompt slingers, and sensational headlines from the media (who are not in the business of helping you become more productive), it’s impossible to see that the AI Productivity Tipping Point is here.

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Regularly $3,333+/year/organization
// Who is to blame for this?

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become the AI Hero in your organization.

Somebody is going to get the credit for bringing the AI solution that creates transformational productivity gains into their organization.

It should be you.
You have 2 options.

1. Lead, and it will happen now, because of you. You get the social capital gains by being the one to introduce these transformation productivity gains to your company.

2. Follow, and it will happen soon, to you. Somebody else gets the social capital gains by being the one to introduce these transformation productivity gains to your company.

This opportunity comes around once in a lifetime, and it’s here.

// Why should I trust you?

We’ve been in your shoes

We are a community of over 100 fractional executives with experience across a wide range of industries and functional areas, all committed to the application of AI in every area of our clients’ businesses.

And we’ve been in your shoes, skeptical of the potential benefits of AI, and then fearful about the future would hold.

But when it became clear that AI passed the Productivity Tipping Point, and we found many productive use cases for it, it has transformed our business, and those of our clients alike.

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Regularly $3,333+/year/organization
// How it works in 3 Simple Steps

1. Create an AI Role Plan for you and your team

Using AI, you will create a specific AI Role Plan for everybody on your team, for every single one of their role deliverables.
Simple has helped me find practical and immediate improvements in my daily work. One of my responsibilities is resume reviews for large volume hiring for a critical role. Using AI has allowed me to compress what was previously 50 hours of work into 1 hour. It’s a 50X improvement on a role responsibility that I performed 9 times in the last quarter.

Jackie Schwabe

Associate Director, Program Facilitation, eCornell

// How it works in 3 Simple Steps

2. Learn the foundational AI skills you need to make progress

Next, you’ll learn the foundational AI skills you need in order to start using AI productively in each of those role deliverables.
// How it works in 3 Simple Steps

3. Create a mechanism for accountability and results

Finally, to ensure that everybody on your team is making progress and finding actual productivity gains, you’ll create a formal process to ensure that you are making progress towards the ultimate goal, and that nobody gets left behind.

The AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Our online course and tools that includes everything you need in order to create AI Role Plans for everybody at your company, and learn the skills you’ll need to execute on them.
One of my responsibilities is to research new and updated regulations. Before training with Simple, it would take me hours each week, and now it takes me less than 10 minutes. It’s at least a 24X improvement and has freed up more time for me to tackle even more valuable/important work.

Richard Nicholas

Partner (AI Law), Browne Jacobson

// 3 Options

Taking the next step

Sign up for The Transformation Method(TM) MasterClass, regularly $3,333 /year/company,


The only AI training guaranteed to increase the productivity of every employee at your company

AI Transformation Method™ MasterClass

Starting at

*No Credit Card Required*
Join us on Zoom for an upcoming 60 min AI Transformation Workshop where you will learn how you can:
  • Use ChatGPT* to produce every deliverable
  • No matter your specific role
  • Better, faster, easier, and cheaper

And Transform your business and your life!

*OR the generative AI platform of your choice: Claude, CoPilot, etc

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