Do you run your business?

Or does your business run you?

Do you find yourself dreaming that someday
[insert dream here…]
Well, what if that dream could be closer than you think?

Transform the way you run your business and make progress toward your dream in just 90 days!

Make more money in less time!

Does this sound like you?

I feel like I am working all the time…
I wish I could take a vacation...
Even just a weekend off
and completely disconnect…
but I’m afraid my business would collapse without me.

The Profit Minds™ Growth System is designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and CEOs who have done the hard work of running a company but have yet to reap the rewards.

Do you struggle to generate consistent profits?
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Do you struggle to focus on the most important items?
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Do you struggle to create a truly scalable business?
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What would it be like to run an amazing, even world-class business?

We provide the strategy, structure and execution plan to help small business owners and CEOs and their teams experience:

More Time Back
Profit Minds starts with you and rethinks the business around your needs, which is kind of why you started the business in the first place.

Increased Retention
Profit Minds creates purpose-driven organization were every action item is tied to a strategic benefit to the company.

More Profit
Profit Minds gives you custom KPIs that world-class companies use to maximize profit.

Higher Valuation
Profit Minds custom-generated plan delivers the KPIs you need to become one of the most valued companies in your industry.

Cheaper Money
By achieving the metrics Profit Minds generates, you'll reduce your risk profile and secure the lowest interest rates and highest bonding capacities.

Faster Growth Rates
Growth is a function of happy customers, pipeline, churn and, of course, revenue.  With our balanced KPI approach, you'll increase growth rates in the right, holistic way.

It Starts with YOU!

Here are the elements of a world-class business


Mission - this is why you get up every day.


Vision - this is the impact your company will have on your clients, community and your team.


Values - this is your culture

3-Year Outcome

3-year outcome – tangible goals that you will drive toward

Forward-Looking KPIs

Forward-looking KPIs - what you need to track on a regular basis to take you to your goals.


Accountability - who is responsible for what? [HINT: It can’t be YOU]


Rhythm - this is the key to making it all work

The Profit Minds™ Growth System works out of your priorities as CEO. Instead of asking where you want your business to be in three years, we start by asking where YOU want to be in three years. We then work together to determine what your business needs to be to support those goals.

Once we understand where your business needs to be, we determine the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that need to be monitored regularly, so you know where your focus needs to be. It turns out there are only a few KPIs that separate you from being world-class

Here are the critical Key Performance Indicators:

Click To Expand

We break that down even further into bite-sized pieces called “rocks” so that you and your team focus on the right activities to move you toward those goals.

The Profit Minds™ Growth System will help you develop a clear vision and compelling business strategy with the flexibility to adapt to a rapidly changing market. We’ve helped many clients transform their way of doing business, and we can help you, too.

Maybe you’re an entrepreneur who isn’t seeing your hard work reflected in your bottom line.Perhaps you know exactly what you need to do but just can’t manage to get it done consistently.Or you’re looking to take your small business to the next level, but don’t know where to begin.
Our revolutionary approach increases profits, accelerates productivity, and builds robust business process for scale. The Profit Minds™ Growth System will help you live the life you’ve always dreamed of.
If you want to learn more about how to grow your profits, click here! If you or your staff find it hard to get stuff done, click here!If you want to take your business to the next level, click here!

What Clients Are Saying

When I first started working with Steve I had an overall lack of organization, prioritization issues, and was overwhelmed with emails and the number of things on my to-do list. Steve has really helped me get my to-do list organized into action items and now I’m knocking projects off… I’m doing more pre-planning and I’ve increased my focus by eliminating the distraction which comes from not having a plan. The best part of working with Steve is that he’s easy to talk to and I can really open up about my pain points. My business has really benefited from working with Steve, if you are experiencing any issues or just want to increase your potential you should work with him.

Peter Hutcheson

When I first met Steve, I was convinced that I didn’t need his services, because my entire life everyone told me how organized I was. The truth was that I was having trouble with ALL the things I had on my plate: networking groups, serving on a non-profit board, family responsibilities, etc – in addition to managing my at-home business. One day Steve at our networking group, Steve asked “Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the things you need to do and can’t manage to stay on top of them?” I thought “That’s me”. So, I started working with him. Steve has given me great advice as I work out a system that works for me. I kept promising I would do daily meditations and walk on a regular basis. . .but I never did. Now, with Steve’s help (and my being accountable to someone else) I am doing both on a regular basis. I am also scheduling each day and tracking my progress. I’ve made tremendous strides as I continue to work on these goals.

Carol Hukari

“Steve is just wonderful. I always leave our meetings feeling ready to tackle the day! He has coached me to dive deeper into the real importance of owning/running a business. For example, how to achieve a realistic work life balance and also how to be more productive in doing the things that I love most. Steve listens to my concerns and helps me work through them in a positive manner. I appreciate his wisdom, expertise & guidance.”

Ashley Grech

“My husband and I run multiple businesses together.  We decided we wanted to sign up for coaching when our communication was off and we were struggling to get things moving.  One meeting with Steve was AMAZING for us.  We were stuck in the same dynamics and working with a coach helped break us out of it.  Could not recommend his program enough for anyone that struggles with prioritizing their tasks, or doesn’t feel that they are moving their business forward.  If you are not growing, you are dying, and we all need an outside perspective at some point.”

Emma Head

How do I work with my clients?


Personal attention is the fastest way to take your business to the next level. Whether it's profit growth, productivity, scaling, or any combination of these, a personalized plan will be developed for you to enable you to reap the rewards of all your hard work.

Group coaching and Masterminds

A cost-effective alternative to the private one-on-one sessions, you meet monthly with a group of your peers to discuss topics of interest (voted by the group) and learn from each other as together, in community, you get ideas to resolve your pressing problems and help others solve theirs.


We provide workshops in all our modalities of coaching: profit growth, productivity, and scaling, ranging in length from 1 hour to 13 weeks of one-hour sessions (alternating learning sessions with Q&A or AskMeAnything sessions) as desired. These can be delivered on-line or in-person. Many are available on-line as self-paced programs.


Our coaches are excellent and engaging speakers, wIth topics like, "Are you Productive or Just Busy?" or "Running a World-Class Company" (Vistage 4.7/5 stars). Whether you are looking for a conference keynote or a company or group topic of interest, we can deliver these in-person or online. Let us know what you need.

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